Wednesday 15 August 2007

Why thank you auntie, what a lovely diary

What can an author blog about? I use up all my words writing books. Or rather, in writing sentences that may or may not end up in books. Writing an entire book, I firmly believe, is impossible. The fact that so many people have nonetheless done it is a testament to human endeavour, or bloody-mindedness, one of the two.

I also use up all my spare time writing, which means I have nothing else to blog about. There isn’t actually a lot of this spare time sloshing around, since I also have a full time job in London, a lengthy commute, a two-year-old son with a Lazytown and Balamory obsession and a rubbish lawnmower (the lawnmower is mine, I should clarify, not his, otherwise there would be another ‘and’ clause there, and there isn’t).

I only really got this blog so that I could post on other, far more interesting blogs that required registration. But now that I’ve got it (rather like being given a diary for Christmas by a well-meaning aunt) I suppose I had better put something in it.

For now, I will use it as a dumping-ground for all the little bits of writing wisdom that I pick up or dream up along the long, lonely road. Please, under no circumstances, take any of this as advice on how to write, or even as a description of how I write. It’s a notebook, nothing more. And if there are a few pearls among all the seaweed, I can’t take responsibility for them either. Chance are I nicked ‘em anyway.


Leslie Hawes said...

Hello to you. I visit over at Three Ginger Cats, and thought you might like visiting Red Ravine, a blog I just discovered.
The Green Knight's Rules seem apropos to some of the ideas they are discussing.
I am glad to find you. Isn't that picture of Elmo all stretched out funny? I really liked how you "saw" it! Jackie must have that camera trained on those kitties all the time.

Nick Green said...

Thanks for stopping by, Leslie. Yes, I love the We Three Cats, I'm a regular over there.

I'll check out the red ravine, it sounds interesting. And your site, which I just briefly glanced at.