Monday 20 August 2007

Emotional Esperanto

You can visit the remotest human tribe on earth, smile at them, and be understood.

The only universal language is human emotions. You can describe any experience to any person so long as you do it in terms of feelings, not facts. You can even get near to capturing untouchable things like colours and melodies.

That’s how writing works, and it’s what makes it possible to write good sci-fi and fantasy. It should be impossible to describe a world that neither the author nor the reader has ever experienced, but it isn’t. Because in actual fact, the good fantasy writer doesn’t describe an unfamiliar world, but a world that everyone knows intimately: the world of human emotions, just cast in a different mould. You write not what is, but how it feels.


Leslie Hawes said...

This is a mystery revealed. Any writer sould take this gift from you and treasure it. Thank you.

Nick Green said...

Thank you!

I am running low on these literary bon mots now... I have been ekeing out the supply of them to create the illusion that I think of one a day. Blogs are slave-drivers...

Leslie Hawes said...

Suffer from the same thing on my blog, too. :)
Hard to be brilliant in a constant fashion...
I am truly enjoying what you have to say. Smart, capricious, thoughtful. I like that.